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MetaMind Training
May 25, 20232 min read
60-second leadership tip #4: Do you ever say, “thank you” to your boss?
Tip #3 was about thanking your staff and colleagues. But what about your boss? Do you ever thank or compliment upward? The first time I...

MetaMind Training
May 22, 20232 min read
Leadership Tip #7: Make those butterflies fly in formation - Managing Stage Fright
You’ve probably heard that human beings fear public speaking more than we fear death. At least that’s what we answer when asked about it...

MetaMind Training
May 20, 20234 min read
Is corporate life unfulfilling? Here's how to overcome an unfulfilling life in the corporate world
I’m on the plane returning from a reunion in Europe of my university days there. It’s been 20 years since graduation. And 20 years is...

MetaMind Training
May 18, 20232 min read
60 seconds leadership tip #2: Effective Delegation in Leadership -Empower with accountability
Do you have a boss who micromanages? I’ve had a few in my career. And nothing has been as demotivating as being asked about the...

MetaMind Training
Aug 31, 20204 min read
Work-From-Home Problems: Staying Focused
Vita works virtually as an assistant manager. She has worked virtually for the past 7 years: in one of her previous jobs, she never even...

MetaMind Training
Mar 7, 20202 min read
Can We Please Start Asking Women About Their Lives?
If you’re a woman, you know the scenario. You stand around chatting at a party, and the men ask each other “so what do you do?” Nobody...

MetaMind Training
Jun 10, 20172 min read
Dancing or boxing – what’s your communication style?
Too often, we are engaged in boxing when we communicate. Boxing is about winning the debate. Dancing, however, is constructive. It is...

MetaMind Training
Jan 28, 20173 min read
OMG – I’ve Had Spinach Between My Teeth Since Lunch!
We’re a bunch of cowards. Every single one of us. At least, if I give an example from the other evening, when I discovered that little...

MetaMind Training
Jul 26, 20164 min read
How Greek Astronomers and Egyptian inventors still rule our meetings today
The below is taken from my new book “ How to Make Yourself Promotable – 7 Skills to Climb the Career Ladder“. At the end of the blog,...

MetaMind Training
Jul 14, 20163 min read
7 Ways To Make You Feel Better About Your Mistakes
“Oh no, that’s so awful,” was Hanna’s reaction to my description of a truly embarrassing mistake that had sneaked into my newly published...

MetaMind Training
May 20, 20163 min read
Why managing Generation Z is easier than you think
Look out, employers: Generation Z is just around the corner! “Generation Z” (AKA Gen Z) is the latest generation to hit the workforce....
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